Garo focuses on the life of Kouga Saejima, who has assumed the title of Makai Knight to protect humanity against dark demonic manifestations called "Horrors". In his quest to destroy them, he encounters a young girl named Kaoru, whom he saves from a Horror, though he learns that she is stained with its demonic blood. As a rule, those that have been stained by the blood of a Horror must be killed, or else they will die painfully in approximately 100 days. Kouga spares Kaoru and tries to find a way to purify her before her remaining time expires. Thus, the series focuses on Kouga's developing relationship with Kaoru, and his responsibilities protecting humanity in accordance with the wishes of his father, the previous Garo. In the process, he encounters another Makai Knight named Rei Suzumura, who eventually becomes his ally. Later Kouga confronts his father's former disciple who is revealed to be the cause of a recent series of Horror attacks in preparation of a more sinister advent of the Horrors' originator, Messiah. (Source: Wikipedia)
121 episodes in this series
MiniGARO Manner Movie
Garo: Honoo no Kokuin
Garo: Honoo no Kokuin - Yurugaro
Garo: Guren no Tsuki
Garo Movie: Divine Flame
Garo: Guren no Tsuki - Yurugaro
Garo: Guren no Tsuki Special
Garo: Vanishing Line
3 chapters in this series