Check the roadmap to see all planified developments and already receive suggestions.
Version 1.21.2
6 May 2023
Removed Remove the time limit between each proposals votes. You can now vote at the speed you want and if some users abuse this system, you can report it
Improved Upgrade some code and system to keep the site upgradable easily
Improved Various typos
Communication Hi! This is a very small update but it is also time to give more news. I really love improving and working on Kaize, thanks for using it! Unfortunately, I also need to pay my invoice, which is why they are fewer or no updates for some months.
I will try to at least make a small update like that when I can! Kaize is not dead, just need to prioritize things!
You can also consider
supporting Kaize, it will help a lot!
Version 1.21.1
17 February 2023
New Add themes "Anthology", "Robots", "Age Gap" and genres "Urban", "Erotica", "Award Winning"
Fixed Fix the report user button on user profile
Fixed Fix request password when email was from some domains
Fixed Fix some broken proposals links. I recently changed the proposals links form /proposals/{number} to proposlas/{number}-{random value} and it make some links broken, it a really small amount of links, like 500 proposals and this links is not really worth to fix. But the new one you will create after this update will be good!
Fixed Fix a visual bug with the tags description and the friends list
Improved Improve database storage with proposals vote when comment was not empty
Improved Change WinRAR link in MyAnimeList import page from the french one to the english one
Version 1.21.0
13 February 2023
New The supporter tag has changed, for earn it you need to be a Patreon member or make a donation on Paypal. For Paypal, you will earn the badges for a certain amount of time based on the Patreon price and will lose the tags after this time. You can still make another donation after to earn it again. So this tag is now only for active supporter
New Rework of the tags systems on user's profiles. You have now two new tags "Badges Collector" and "Proposals Master". Some badges like the "Days on Kaize" will be switched on the tags system since it makes more sense but will be for another update
New Report users for the proposals system. You can now report proposals, vote or users. It will be checked manually by admins and users can be banned from the proposals system. Details
New You will now get a notification when your friend request is accepted
Fixed Fix a bug where you loose KP when updating you vote on proposals without changing vote (saving with the same vote that before)
Improved Increment number of vote needed for accepting/refusing proposals to 5
Improved Improve Kaize on mobile
Improved Various typos
Version 1.20.0
31 January 2023
New Add a
wiki part for explain that we are not a copy of others sites (please take one minute to read it)
New You can now sort users lists by name, score, ...
New Add the forgot password system
New Add theme "LGBTQ+"
Fixed Fix the manga length badges that were not working
Fixed Fix a bug on MyAnimeList import when where we had two anime/manga with the same name, it add the wrong one in your list. There is no way to know which one was in your MyAnimeList list so it's now flagged as "not added" and need to be done manually.
Improved Huge improvement in the search bar, results will be easier to find and in a more correct order. For example, it was hard to find an anime called "One" because the first result was all the "One Piece" anime. Now it first checks for the exact same name and displays it first.
Improved Anime/Manga stats now use only verified users data
Improved Various typos
Version 1.19.1
13 January 2023
New Add
email verification, you will now need to verify your email to create proposals, vote on proposals and have your score used in the global score of an anime/manga
New Add missing anime source "Picture Book"
Improved Improve mobile version
Improved Improve darkmode
Improved Reduce to 100 the number of open proposals max display (previously 500)
Improved Increase Accept/Refuse friend bouton size
Improved Various typos
Version 1.19.0
6 January 2023
New Add a "Support Kaize" bloc on Homepage
New Add a darkmode
New Friends requests and friends lists
New Add manga status "Canceled" and "Hiatus"
New Add themes "Ghost", "Mermaid" and "Post-Apocalypse" based on community votes
New Add 5839 missing manga and 1771 missing anime based on Shifaau9 list
Removed Remove Christmas event code
Fixed Fix badges updates if you have very old anime in your list
Improved Make "Days on Kaize" badge levels lower so it's more "reachable"
Improved Display watching anime/reading manga based on last updated on the user page
Improved Various typos
Version 1.18.1
23 December 2022
Fixed Fix a bug that didn't let you open the notifications if you don't have at least one
Version 1.18.0
19 December 2022
New Add the Christmas event which will start on the 21st of December at 12 PM and end on the 25th of December at 12:00 AM (CET: Central European Time)
New Users has now a "stats" page in their profile
New Switch the current anime season to Winter 2023
New Add new themes: "Tragedy" and "Philosophical" based on the open suggestions.
Improved Optimize images on Kaize. They are now resized to not be bigger than a fixed size. All the images already on Kaize has been resized and it will the case for the one that will be uploaded in the future
Improved Add a show/hide button on register/login
Improved Various typos
Version 1.17.0
9 December 2022
New Add a
change password page
New Add missing anime source "Card Game"
Fixed Add missing AM/PM on some hours
Improved Improve proposals creation with a select option for the field reason where you can still use free text is needed
Improved Add a text on the homepage to specify you can import your list from MyAnimeList and a text on the homepage when all your lists are empty to let you know how to start using Kaize or import your lists
Improved Add missing studios filter on the proposals helpers
Improved Add
Patreon icon in the footer
Improved Little improve of loading time dependencies
Improved Various typos
Version 1.16.0
28 November 2022
New Add tags for
Kaize supporters on user profile
New Add a
series list page
New You can now change your timezone in your
settings, dates are now displayed based on it (also switched to AM/PM hour format)
New Add missing anime source "Radio"
New Add a temporary page for "forget your password"
Fixed Fix some bugs in manga badges when counting based on genres
Fixed You will no longer loose KP when voting on proposals without choosing your vote (but changing/removing vote will still make you loose KP)
Improved Database optimizations
Improved Change the demographic "Kids" to "Kodomo" based on open suggestion
Improved Add an order by name to anime/manga list on users profile watching/reading list
Improved Add a text on edit synopsis proposal to make users notice they need to put the source inside the synopsis
Improved Improve the wiki
Improved Various typos
Version 1.15.0
18 November 2022
New Add studios search to
studios page
New Add theme "Slapstick", "Vtuber", "Revenge", "Ensemble Cast", "Fashion"
New Add around 40000 missing Manga
New Add notification when one of your proposals is refused
New Add a +1 button to the Anime page to increment watched episodes in your list
New Add a total episodes and chapters in series page
Improved Proposals now need 4 votes to be accepted or refused
Improved Anime and Manga can now have more than one series (for crossover per example)
Improved Time between vote is now 3 seconds (was 4 seconds)
Improved Various typos
Version 1.14.0
11 November 2022
New Add the
support page
New Add the studio page and all the proposals to delete and edit it
New Add the
studio list page (studio can be hidden based on your "Hide Hentai/Ecchi" in your settings)
Removed Remove the Ads since they were not really worth with the current Kaize state
Improved Improve the search bar
Improved Improve Sitemap
Improved Various typos
Version 1.13.0
4 November 2022
New You can now create studio with the proposals system and link it to anime (currently not able to delete a studio, but will come next update with the studio own page)
New Add a list "Anime/Manga by demographic"
New Add a "copy start date" button when you create a proposal for aired/published date
Fixed On "mark all as read" notification button, hide the number indicator on the icon
Improved Adapt years badges to make it obtainable (remove older than 1980 and change level for 1980 -> 2000). You need to check your badges to update the values.
Improved Improve Sitemap
Version 1.12.0
26 October 2022
New Reduce the number of votes for accepting/refusing proposals to 3
New New
proposals helper! You can now filter what you want, for example, getting anime with missing series only.
New Add a "mark all as read" button for notifications
New Add a check to avoid some sensitive name on user registration / changing username
Fixed Fix a database problem about storing dates
Fixed Add the missing mobile version of the suggestions page (the one where you vote)
Improved Change the badge "Years on Kaize" to "Days on Kaize" to be more clear. You need to check your badges to update the values.
Improved Various typos
Version 1.11.0
19 October 2022
New Increase the number of votes for accepting/refusing proposals to 5
New Add demographic to anime/manga and proposals system for it
New Add missing anime source "Music"
New Add new themes: "Alternate Universe", "Card Battle", "Chibi", "Conspiracy", "Dystopia", "Magic", "Politics", "Zombies", "Idols (Male)" and "Idols (Female)" based on the open suggestions.
New Add Ads to monetize the website
New Add 2218 missing anime
Fixed Fix error on 404 pages
Improved Add a check to avoid spam bot/scripts for proposals votes, you will now have to wait a few seconds before votes to be sure people read the proposals
Improved Change the design of proposals pages to make "reason" more noticeable. Sometime proposals are refused because people don't read it. Like when a Light Novel has the same name that a Manga
Improved Various typos
Version 1.10.0
14 October 2022
Version 1.7.0
27 September 2022
New Database optimizations
New Add missing anime source "Other"
Fixed Fix the badges page on mobile
Improved Typos
Version 1.6.0
21 September 2022
New Add themes for Anime/Manga and proposal system to edit them
New Add top Anime/Manga by themes
New Switch the current anime season to Fall 2022
New You can now delete your own proposals if nobody has vote on them (in case of mistake)
New Add a maintenance mode for next updates
New Add stats for Anime/Manga
Removed Remove the "Not Yet Published" filter on top Manga since this filter will always be empty
Fixed Fix the username length rule when creating an account
Fixed Fix wrong order of seasons
Improve Seasonal anime and upcoming anime are now order by number of pepole having them in their list instead of score
Improve Hide Hentai/Ecchi/Doujinshi from public lists if not logged
Improve Years badge now order pepole with decimals (You need to check your badges to updates it)
Version 1.5.0
15 September 2022
New Add two new badges "Years on Kaize" and "KP Master"
New Add filters on top manga/anime to display only currently airing, not yet aired, ... top. (The "not yet aired" is not totally working since the order are based on rating and nobody add a score on not yet aired anime so it need to be update to order it by number of pepole with this anime in list)
New Add an option to hide doujinshi for public list, like ecchi/hentai
New Add filters in "My proposals" page to display only open, accepted or refused
Improved Add your list status on series page in the anime/manga list
Improved Check when a "Create a/an anime/manga/serie" is created if they already an open proposal with the same name. So if they are a proposal "Create anime One Piece" and someone try to create another proposal for the anime One Piece it will say that the proposal already exist
Version 1.4.0
9 September 2022
New Add new informations "Aired episode" on Anime and "Published volumes"/"Published chapters" on Manga for Currently airing Anime or Publishing Manga. This field let pepole know the number of episodes aired at this moment instead of the "Episode" which display the total number of episodes
New Display your list status in top/seasonals/... lists
New Add your own position on badge page
New Add a custom error page
Fixed You can no longer vote on your own proposals
Fixed Fix multiple vote on proposals with multiple tabs
Fixed Change all text "serie" to "series"
Fixed Fix index on badge ranking
Fixed Fix MyAnimeList import, problem with Anime/Manga with special character like ★
Improved Display Anime/Manga score with two decimals
Improved When the search results are open, you can now click outside to close it
Version 1.3.0
6 September 2022
New Possibility to hide Hentai and Ecchi
New Possibility to watch all the proposals on a resource page
New Notifications system
New MyAnimeList lists import
Improved Since they are a lot of proposals to create, you can now view 500 open proposals instead of 100
Fixed Change start date and end date format in users lists
Fixed Rename "Aired Date" for manga to "Published Date"
Version 1.2.0
31 August 2022
Improved User added to contributors for creating proposals
Improved Typos on Wiki
Fixed Add missing source "Web Manga" and "Visual Novel"
Fixed Fix multiple vote on proposal when user spam click
Fixed Fix error when delete proposal is accepted but resource is on user list
New Delete resource stay on users list with a tag "Deleted" for users to notice it and adapt their list
Version 1.1.0
30 August 2022
Fixed Add missing source "Original" for Anime
Fixed Fix wrong order of gain/loose of reputation on user profile
Fixed Add missing like on quick watching/reading user list
Improved Add explain text for banner image format proposal
New Display users votes on proposals
New Add comment on proposal vote
New Add contributors on ressource page
Version 1.0.0
26 August 2022
New Badges system
Improved Proposals optimisations
Version 0.5.0
19 August 2022
New Mobile version of Kaize
Fixed Small visual fixs
Version 0.4.0
12 August 2022
New Proposal to update Banner and Image for Series, Anime and Manga
New Proposal to update Synopsis for Series, Anime and Manga
New Proposal to update Anime episodes count
New Proposal to update Anime and Manga Type
New New page for Manga and Anime Type
New Proposal to update Anime and Manga Status
New Proposal to update Manga Volumes and Chapters
New Proposal to update Anime and Manga Genres
New New page for Manga and Anime Genres
New Proposal to update Anime and Manga English Name
New Proposal to update Anime Episodes Duration
New Proposal to update Anime Source
New Proposal to update Anime and Manga Aired Date
Fixed Fix image not displaying in some lists
Version 0.3.0
5 August 2022
New Proposal to update Series original source
New Proposal to update Series english name
New Proposal to update Series japanese name
New Page for every anime season
New Proposal to update Anime image
New Proposal to update Anime banner
Version 0.2.0
28 July 2022
New Proposal to update Series/Anime/Manga name
New Proposal to update Series/Anime/Manga series
New Proposal to update Anime season
Improved Improve the Wiki for the edit proposals
Improved Set username length max to 50 on user registration
Fixed Fix error when Series/Anime/Manga name is too long
Version 0.1.0
25 July 2022
New First version of Kaize