Fate/stay night
The story revolves around Shirou Emiya, a hardworking and honest teenager who unwillingly enters a to-the-death tournament called the Fifth Holy Grail War, where combatants fight with magic and Heroes from throughout history for a chance to have their wishes granted by the eponymous Holy Grail. Orphaned and the sole survivor of a massive fire in Fuyuki City as a child, Shirou was taken in by a retired mage named Kiritsugu Emiya, who would die years later. His perceived responsibility to those who died and his salvation through his father formed a strong desire for justice and peace in him. Thus, he earnestly trains his body and minuscule ability with magic to someday greatly help others, even if people often abuse his generosity at his stage. One evening, after seeing two devastatingly powerful beings trading blows at his school with swords and spears, he is attacked, as witnesses to the Holy Grail War are generally supposed to be eliminated. Chased to his home by the spear-wielding warrior Lancer and barely able to avoid his attacks, Shirou is about to be killed when he is saved by Saber. Saber, the personification of a renowned figure in history (Arturia Pendragon in her case), was created to aid participants in the War. In her supposedly accidental summoning and the appearance of the marks on Shirou's hand, his entry as a Master into the Holy Grail War is formalized.
84 episodes in this series
Fate/stay night
Fate/stay night TV Reproduction
Fate/stay night Movie: Unlimited Blade Works
Carnival Phantasm
Carnival Phantasm EX Season
Carnival Phantasm: HibiChika Special
Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works Prologue
Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works
Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works 2nd Season
Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works 2nd Season - Sunny Day
Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - I. Presage Flower
Emiya-san Chi no Kyou no Gohan
Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - II. Lost Butterfly
Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - III. Spring Song
87 chapters in this series