Black Clover
The series focuses on Asta, a young orphan who is left to be raised in an orphanage alongside his fellow orphan, Yuno. While everyone is born with the ability to utilize mana in the form of magical power, Asta, with no magic, however, instead focuses on physical strength. Conversely, Yuno was born a prodigy with immense magical power and the talent to control wind magic. Motivated by a desire to become the next Wizard King, an authority figure second to the king of Clover Kingdom, the two youths developed a friendly rivalry. Yuno obtains a legendary four-leaf grimoire held by the kingdom's first Wizard King. The four-leaf grimoire is rare, only given to a few great mages in history. Asta, despite his lack of magic, obtained a mysterious five-leaf grimoire that contains mysterious elf swords and an ethereal member of the Devil race who utilizes rare anti-magic. Afterwards, he and Yuno each join a Magic Knight squad as the first step to fulfilling their ambitions. (Source: MyAnimeList)
196 episodes in this series