The film Deep Sea is another original animated feature film directed by Tian Xiaopeng after Monkey King: Hero Is Back and it’s also a 3D animation creation of exploration significance for October Media. Although antique stories are popular among Chinese animation works in recent years, Deep Sea will apply a different way, using unique oriental aesthetics to interpret a fantasy story with a modern background. The film Deep Sea builds a different brand new underwater world, and tells the story of a girl who encounters a unique life journey, seeking and searching in the mysterious underwater world. The images such as the huge maelstroms, peculiar fishes, eyes in the maelstroms that present in the poster, all demonstrate the iceberg tip of the Deep Sea world. The posture of the leading girl swimming into the maelstrom firmly just acknowledges the slogan on the poster -- "Where the heart goes is deeper than the sea." (Source: Octmedia)
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