Nuki Doki! Tenshi to Akuma no Sakusei Battle
An ordinary student, "Hitsuhara Daiwa", spends his daily life with his childhood friend, "Momose Nonoa", and a stiff member of the public discipline committee, "Sakuraki Kiri", who gets involved with him every day. He spends his daily life with his childhood friend "Nonoa Momose" and "Kiri Sakuraki", a hard-nosed member of the Public Discipline Committee, who gets involved with him in any way. Suddenly, a demon and an angel come to him. They appear in front of humans to compete to see who is better in the world of demons or the world of heaven. The demon world and the heavenly world, which had been competing over trivial things for a long time, decided to let a third party, human beings, decide who is superior. The Demon Realm and the Celestial Realm decided on their own to let a third party, the human beings, decide who is superior, Yamato was chosen at random as the human representative and forced to sign a contract with them. Yamato is forced to live together with two beautiful girls whom he cannot leave because of the contract. In order to win Yamato, the demon "Filika" forcibly performs sex on him as soon as they meet. The angel "Sera" smilingly takes out a tool and makes Yamato fall into a trap. Even his childhood friend "Momose Noa" hears about it and begs Yamato for sex, Even the hard-nosed member of the public discipline committee, "Kiri Sakuraki," attacks Yamato in order to save him. Not only the demon world and the heavenly world, but also the human world is involved, and they compete with each other to see which world is better at sex. What is Yamato's destiny now that he is pushed around by the four of them on a daily basis? (Source: DLsite, translated)
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