Kara no Kyoukai
Mikiya Kokutou becomes intrigued by the mysterious series of violent deaths occurring in his town and Shiki Ryougi, a beautiful but unsociable girl. As he tries to become closer to Shiki, he realizes that Shiki is connected to the mysterious deaths and that the supernatural forces involved with both could kill him. It is revealed that in Shiki's family, certain members of her family possess two distinct personalities, both aware and conscious of one another, but possessing different qualities. The dual consciousness, and Shiki's upbringing as a demon hunter, has caused her to reject other human beings. However, upon meeting Mikiya, she gradually finds happiness through their relationship and a schism develops between her two personalities. As a result, she winds up in a traffic accident and is left in a coma for two years. When she awakens, she finds herself unable to connect her past memories to her current identity. Reunited with Mikiya, now employed as an investigator for Touko Aozaki, Shiki assists Touko's detective agency, Garan no Dou, whenever combat is required, while struggling to come to terms with her identity. (Source: Type-Moon Wikia)
19 episodes in this series
Kara no Kyoukai Movie 1: Fukan Fuukei
Kara no Kyoukai: Manner Movies
Kara no Kyoukai Movie 2: Satsujin Kousatsu (Zen)
Kara no Kyoukai Movie 3: Tsuukaku Zanryuu
Kara no Kyoukai Movie 4: Garan no Dou
Kara no Kyoukai Movie 5: Mujun Rasen
Kara no Kyoukai Movie 6: Boukyaku Rokuon
Kara no Kyoukai Remix: Gate of Seventh Heaven
Kara no Kyoukai Movie 7: Satsujin Kousatsu (Go)
Kara no Kyoukai Movie 8: Shuushou
Kara no Kyoukai Movie: Mirai Fukuin - Extra Chorus
Kara no Kyoukai Movie: Mirai Fukuin
Kara no Kyoukai Movie: Mirai Fukuin - Manner Movie
10 chapters in this series