Drag-On Dragoon
Drakengard, known in Japan as Drag-On Dragoon, is a series of action role-playing video games created by Yoko Taro, originally developed by Cavia and published by Square Enix. A spin-off series titled Nier, taking place in an alternative timeline set after a different ending to the first Drakengard than the one 2005's Drakengard 2 followed, was started in 2010 with the eponymous game. Yoko has directed every game in both series, with the exception of Drakengard 2 in which he only had minor involvement. The stories of both Drakengard and Nier generally focus on the fortunes and personalities of a small group of protagonists either directly or indirectly connected to and affected by the events of the story. Dark or mature plot and character themes and multiple endings have become a staple of the series. The setting of the Drakengard games is a Northern Europe-like dark fantasy world where humans and creatures from myth and legends live side by side, while the Nier games are set in the distant future of a different ending to the first Drakengard from the one Drakengard 2 follows, leading to 2017's Nier: Automata taking place in a much different, post-apocalyptic science fiction setting. (Source: Wikipedia, edited)
0 episodes in this series
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