Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai
Nariyuki Yuiga is a senior high school student attending Ichinose Academy who, in order to secure a university scholarship, must tutor three female geniuses of different subjects: Fumino Furuhashi is a genius in literature, but horrible at mathematics; Rizu Ogata is a genius in mathematics, but terrible at literature; and Uruka Takemoto is a genius in the athletic field, but dreadful at all other subjects. As the girls work with Nariyuki to achieve their academic goals, they must also deal with their growing feelings for him. As the story progresses, two other girls are focused upon: Mafuyu Kirisu, their teacher who despite her professionalism, is a slob at home and Asumi Kominami, a rōnin who has the appearance of a middle schooler despite her age. Near the middle of the story, at the Ichinose School Festival, rumor has it that people who are touching when the first firework goes off are destined to become a couple. During this event, Nariyuki encounters one of the girls, but her identity is obscured upon the chapter's first release. The story has five separate endings with Nariyuki ending up with one of the five girls. While their endings vary, the focused girl is the one who Nariyuki encountered at the fireworks. The final chapter shows instead another continuity where all the girls, including various secondary characters, end up touching Nariyuki during the festival, and the fireworks school legend is revealed to have been created by Nariyuki's late father in his youth. Flashes of the other endings are seen by the girls, signifying that in this new reality any of the events leading up to them have the same probability to occur.
28 episodes in this series
Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai
Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai!
Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai: Nagisa ni Usemono Arite Senjin wa Enzen to [X] Suru
Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai! Chapel no Kane wa [X] wo Shukufuku Suru
187 chapters in this series