Proposed by Hemorrhagician on 10 Jan. 2023 at 07:47 PM
This proposal will make the following change(s):
Update the synopsis of the anime Akai Koudan Zillion Recaps
Change the synopsis from:
1. Akai Koudan Zillion: Emi Penguin's Diary (EMI♡PENGUIN'S DIARY)
Musical retrospective of the TV series with circumstantial commentaries by Emi and JJ.
2. Akai Koudan Zillion: J.J. vs. Ricks - Predestined Confrontation (JJ tai Ricks: Shukumei no Taiketsu)
3. Akai Koudan Zillion: Champ & Apple - Fantastic Memories (チャンプ&アップル FANTASTIC MEMORIES)
(Source: MyAnimeList)
Based on the following reason: Missing
With the source: