Kimagure Orange☆Road
Junior high school student Kyousuke Kasuga and his family are espers, commanding an array of unique powers. But whenever this arouses the public's suspicion, they must swiftly relocate. Tired of this routine, Kyousuke transfers schools for the eighth time and is determined to make this the last. However, a series of unexpected developments lands him in the middle of the school's notorious delinquent duo. Madoka Ayukawa, enigmatic and feared by the students, often switches her personality between cold and affectionate, while the lively and energetic Hikaru Hiyama harbors a public crush for her "darling" Kyousuke. Caught up in a fierce love triangle threatening his dream of an ordinary life, Kyousuke decides to use his powers in an attempt to appease both girls. But it soon becomes apparent that his indecision will only take him so far. (Source: MyAnimeList)
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