Aoki Uru
In March 1992, Gainax began the planning and production of an anime movie called Aoki Uru (Blue Uru), which was to be a sequel to Ouritsu Uchuugun: Honneamise no Tsubasa (Royal Space Force: The Wings of Honneamise) set 50 years later, which, like in the original film, would follow a group of fighter pilots. Production ceased in July 1993 when Gainax realized a full-length anime movie was beyond their financial ability; many of its core businesses were shutting down or producing minimal amounts of money. At the 2013 Tokyo Anime Fair, Gainax announced they would produce Aoki Uru with Honneamise veterans Hiroyuki Yamaga as the director and screenwriter and Yoshiyuki Sadamoto as the character designer, but without Hideaki Anno's involvement in the project. In Spring 2015, a short special titled Aoki Uru: Overture, created by a newly launched Uru in Blue LLP (Limited Liability Partnership) in Singapore, was streamed worldwide. In 2018, it was announced that Aoki Uru would premiere worldwide. Aoki Uru was set to air in 2022. (Source: MyAnimeList News, Wikipedia, edited)
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